Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloweenie Stuff!

Okay! Candy Corn Eats, animated candy bag and sculpted tongue with candy corn on it, and then a pumpkin eater a pumpkin that when you sit animates you to look a struggling and sorry this so quick omw to school!

Bats in the Belfry Freebie.

Well as I live in East Tennessee I can only say that most of my experiences with bats have been in the negative category. The Summer before last, I was raft guiding on the Pigeon River.
2-Live Wildwater Crew
Okay so having went completely off point from where I was going.. I swear I'm making a point. To say that when I was living at the Guide Communal Cabin.. (with all the crazies above may I  mention) We had small hostel type rooms for each of us. So mine was in the loft of this cabin. Needless to say there is something that attracts bats to me.. (like they are mini vampires and are out to suck my blood. I just know it, I even named one of my regular winged visitors Dracula) So paranoia aside.. because the lil bloodthirsty fiends always seemed to swoosh up to my face at regular intervals when attempting to sleep. I took to sleeping with a pillow on my head and carrying a bad-mitten raquet with me at all times while in the house. If you've ever seen the movie 'The Great Outdoors' you'll know what I mean about sonar guided rodents and this pic.
So, with bad-mitten weapony goodness in hand, I would trapse about in the night with not a care in the world. So inspired by my real life terrors for Halloweeny goodness I present:
 So! New Halloween Freebie, Horrible Mental Scars for Life, and Bats in YOUR Belfry too! HA HAR!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Lazy Sunday @ Boof : Thing 1 and Thing 2 Costumes

Remember when you were a kid and wished you could be a Thing from the Cat in the Hat story? Yes or no.. I know I recall wanting to be one of those wild crazy lil blue froed things running around everywhere and causing all sorts of trouble.. Not much different from what I do now, sans the blue fro irl. (If only my hair would stay up that way!) But I digress. These are the new costumes from Boof. Thing 1 and Thing 2 from the classic story.

By the way.. I don't think I'll ever make hair again.. so enjoy this fricking fro. I HATED MAKING IT!

The two costumes combined are 75L and no copy so you can toss one to a buddy
the separate costumes are 50L a piece. and shown below.
                                                               Thing 1!
Thing 2!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Eyeball Collab from the Whisper

As you can see from above we went a bit crazy with the eyeballs for a collaboration in the Whisper sim. All of these items are located here Bus to the Whisper Pumpkin Patch *beep beep*

 Okay! And these are the two items I made for it, Eyeballing jewelry (Resize friendly) and eyeball munchies

This is an animated candy bag with holding and eating animations and a sculpted tongue scripted to have open mouth and a chewy eyeball on top! Not enough?

Well then for you cheap asses out there, I present the really cheap halloween costume. A huge paper bag with flexi sides with a spraypainted face on the front!

Friday, October 21, 2011

New at Boof! Pinata Popper!

The newest addition to the Boof Empire! The Pinata Popper! 

Hey guys!
Newest addition to the Boof family. This is an attachment that you wear. Once you have the Pinata Popper attached, you need only to click yourself and whammo! an explosion of confetti. You disappear and confetti flies everywhere.  (Please see popper ad 2!) YOu can click yourself, you can click your friends, you can click your mom! As long as you are all wearing the Popper attachment confetti everywhere! After 10 seconds the attachment resets it's timer and walah you are backup and normal.. only to be popped again! Bruhahaha!

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Duck Hunt.. Angel style!

My Duck Hunt Set. This comes with a myriad of objects and stuff! There are full perm angel outfits so you can your friends can pose. 2 sculpted shot guns (with smoke so it looks like it was just fired) with no copy permissions so you can pass them out to people getting their pics done. Also the props include a large cloud photo sphere, 2 sculpted clouds, 3 ducks (2 of them flying away and one.. that well.. look at the pic!) There is an emoter hud included to snap pics with, a box with the props inside, and the outfits inside it, a box with just the poses themselves. Everything is modify trans except the shot guns which are no modify and no copy. Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

La Venta Eventa Item

My newest items for La Venta Eventa Creeper Peepers. These are sunglasses with some of my favorite horror villains staring out from the lenses. Freddy, Leatherface, Jason, Pennywise, and Michael Myers. 
*cues the creepy music*
Now at the New Boof HQ @ the Whisper

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

New Boof HQ

So the old sim is closing and I was lucky enough to get a spot on the Rumor sim, The Whisper. 
Come on over and check out the new Boof Movie Theatre.